Frequently Asked Questions
Response to Standard ACES Diesel Catalyst
We are presented with numerous questions and comments relating to the ACES Diesel Catalyst.
I believe that the explanation about our unique technology and features of the ACES products as
explained below would answer the majority of your questions.
In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to respond to some regular comments we
receive, particularly relating to BTU, fuel reduction, lubricity, water emulsifier characteristics, as
well as pour point and cold filter flow, gum and varnish in the tank, and oxidation stability.
First it would be beneficial to give you a more detailed background regarding the development of
the product line, its unique concept, the kind of technologies involved, and related features. In
short, it is like having 1 O+ different products in one package without any adverse reactions.
The original design for our multiple reaction fuel catalyst was for military use. The base formula
incorporated a design that encompasses three important foundational functions: fuel system and
combustion cylinder detergency, initialize the fuel's ignition burn properties, and provide top of
the engine lubricity. After years of focus on engineering these three important features has
allowed us to successfully produce multiple specific products for all types of engines and
requirements. Each blend contains similar contents but the chemical makeup of these products
are different depending on the dynamics of the application.
Today, Advanced Combustion Engineered Solutions offers specific use products for gasoline,
diesel fuel, home heating oils, kerosene, biodiesel fuels, racing engines and specialized products
for individual application needs.
All the products contain multiple compounds while the diesel and fuel oil products contain
additional technology designed to address those fuels.
Each ACES Fuel Formula contains designed characteristics incorporating and including the
DETERGENCY - FUEL SYSTEM CLEANERS - This characteristic has a high detergency action that
keeps solids and carbon from settling on the components and keeps the entire system clean and
free of deposits. This is important for both carburetors and injectors to produce the correct spray
pattern that will promote volumetric efficiency. Jf an engine can't breath it cannot produce the
power it was designed to provide.
FLAME FRONT ENHANCING COMPOUND - The major improving characteristic of this compound
is increasing the engine's ability to burn the fuel more efficiently. This is part of the
conservation of energy theorem - E=Q+ W. Total Energy equals the quotient of expended heat +
the appreciable work. This produces more horsepower, torque, better throttle response and
smoother running. Also better cold weather operation as well. Better utilization of BTU in the
fuel producing work leaves less heat that is wasted and increases production output while greatly
reducing emissions at the same time.
allowing more fuel to be burned at a more expansive rate during peak heat release so as to
continue the bum beyond normal available atmospheric oxygen producing power and efficiency.
This aspect also is unique to ACES as it isn't an oxygenate but rather an oxygen modifying
flame compound.
lubricate the post combustion environment with a metal, polymer, alcohol or petroleum residues.
These blow into the oils, leave deposits, reduce oil life and efficiency! ACES Formula Fuel
Catalysts produces a high technology post combustion lubricity to change the cylinder
environment with plentiful lubricant created by the heat itself. Cylinder components have tested
to be between 4 to 8 times more lubricated than with base fuels alone especially with ULSD (
ultra low sulfur diesel fuels.) This lubricity cushions valve seats and faces long with valve stems
and guides. Contributes to nitrogen and oxygen content which give a plentiful lubricity in
gasolines and diesel fuels. Sulfur isn't necessary for a lubricious fuel but nitrogen and oxygen
ANTI-CORROSION PROPERTIES -The design of this characteristic stops oxygen and deposits
from creating acids which will damage fuel systems and componentry. Alcohols are becoming a
normal part of our fuel supplies and formic acid results from this addition. We suspend the
alcohols and amino acids to keep this from producing problems especially ones during refining
poorer crude base stocks. We produce a molecular fatty compound that protects the metal
surfaces and stops moisture from the absorbed barometric pressure (moisture) changes. With
new engine materials for fuel economy purposes, aluminum and magnesium need protection
with anti-corrosion agents being some of the most important here producing positive results.
GUM AND VARNISH CONTROL- Copper, vanadium and sodium can produce gum and varnish
due to the combustion process especially ULSD fuels. We have a designed component that
deactivates this process which will stop gum and sludges from occurring not only in the fuel
system but in the upper stem and guide area. New hotter running engines are especially
susceptible to this problem and respond greatly using our ACES Technologies.
Formula specifically compounds that produce a negative affinity to paraffin in the fuel so that
they resist clumping together to plug a fuel filter at temperature. Cloud point is also adjusted so
that the ice crystals tend not to stick in the fuel flow and system components.
FUEL TANK GUM AND VARNlSH REMOVER - Eliminates contamination from gum and sludge in
the bottom, sides and top of the fuel tanks and fuel filters.
ACES fuel catalyst is chemically different and wholly unique. We have designed an emulsifier
that is heterogeneous in function that allows us to combine multiple chemicals to produce a
uniquely one encompassing functional product. What this allows us to do is blend multiple
different materials that combine together to create a synergy or closed loop function on various
levels in the fuel as described above. Instead of a single phase product like all the off the shelf
additives, a true one step all encompassing product.
Once the catalyst is introduced to the fuel it responds in specific ways that prepare the fuel
chemically to work significantly better. It will contact the base fuel, and combine with it so that
the detergents will work with the anti-corrosion agents to balance the fuel in such a way that it
will become a more synthetic molecule structure which becomes chemically equalized in a way
that the refineries can't accomplish. We incorporate powerful rust inhibitors to keep the fuel
system clean and protected from atmospheric moisture that damages aluminum, magnesium and
nylon components. These compounds act together with the lubricity compounds and additional
oxygen to increase the life of the fuel including biofuels which contain ethanol and biodiesel.
Adding ACES Diesel Formula to 100% biodiesel increases its shelf life by 13% using Rancimat
EN-14112 method. The lubricity compounds also protect the fuel system during cold
temperature use when wax and ice crystals form. The gum and varnish dissolver eliminates
contamination in the bottom of the tank therefore it acts as a fuel preservative - extending the
fuels storage life.
Flame Front enhancing compounds enhance the flame speed of the fuel especially at peak heat
release. Since we modify the way the fuel bums initially, the pressure wave dynamic changes so
that the fuel expands faster and more powerfully and ramps up farther than the base fuel can so
that more energy is used for work and less is left for wasted heat. This is E= Q+W in action as
discussed earlier. Conservation of energy produces more horsepower, torque and throttle
response too. Emissions of particulate matter (PM) hydrocarbons (HC) Nitrogen Oxides (Nox)
carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are greatly reduced due to this efficiency
increase. Post combustion lubricity is produced for valve stems, valve guides, valve seats and
valve faces. This is a copious or plentiful lubricity that replaces lead in gasolines, top lube in
alcohols and sulfur in diesel.
One of the advantages of our unique detergency is how the catalysts delaminate and dissolve the
deposits so that they do not cause harm during the clean out period. This get clean and keep
clean by solvent action eventually exposes the metals as they clean off virtually completely.
Once this occurs, the fatty compound lubricity aspect stops corrosion from forming on fuel lines,
pumps, injectors and all fuel system components.
While the ACES Fuel Catalyst Technology is similar in all the products, due to differences in
compression ratios, the release rates, specific aspects of spark ignition and compression ignition
engines make the products different, the blends are made with complete understanding of how
each engine functions which produces individual success. Diesel, gasoline, nitromethane, E85,
ethanol, methanol and two stroke applications all are produced uniquely for their respective
engine functions.
Most customers question the increasing utilization of BTU from the base fuel or what about the
BTU increase of our product. Some engineers think that we would need to add a very large
value of high BTU compounds to increase the BTU of the base fuel to get any greater efficiency
and power. However typical customers don't understand BTU values in fuel and assume it is
just a heat value and not it's true scientific definition. Most people think that a higher BTU
value diesel fuel would produce more combustion heat and compression out of a certain volume
of fuel. However, our ACES Diesel Formula produces significantly more efficient use of engine
compression out of the same volume of untreated fuel. Remember that diesel fuels today have
lower BTU values due to severe hydrotreating of the fuel to eliminate sulfur so more power out
of lower power content fuel saves money! We are back to conservation of energy here.
Gasoline fuel users look for higher octane gasolines because they believe that it will produce
more power. However, octane has a resistance to detonation but nothing to do with power
release directly as the most efficient burn produces the most power. We produce more
horsepower and torque (typically 10% on both) while using less fuel. With EPA and CAFE
standards are being tightened yearly, any ability to help meet and exceed these goals provides
end users with a turn key solution to environmental and fuel reductions. Our catalyst when
added to the base fuel will provide more horsepower and torque out of the same volume of fuel.
So the post-combustion of fuel treated with ACES Diesel Catalyst will produce higher use of the
BTU value than without our product introduced.
Fuel injected into the combustion chamber, by itself, cannot burn or explode without oxygen
from the air. All combustion engines are designed to have the air volume brought to the fuel so it
would burn (gasoline) or explode in a compression ignition (diesel) application. However, the
total amount of air that can be added has a volume limit. This limit is typically called the air/fuel
ratio. In each combustion stroke - a process measured in micro-seconds- the air supply literally
runs out before all fuel is completely and efficiently burned. The burned fuel produces
compression which pushes the piston down producing the work. The unburned portion of the
fuel turns into a gaseous form which leaves the exhaust system and is released into the
atmosphere producing the nasties that we are all concerned about. However, it is important to
understand that the air supply runs out several micro-seconds before the exhaust valve is opened
so in each stroke there are a few micro-seconds where fuel is not completely burned.
How ACES Improves The Combustion Process:
Along with other compounds, ACES Diesel Formula contains specific compounds that are
initiated at specific designed pressures and temperatures which release oxygen, nitrogen and
hydrogen that is used to more efficiently produce power that traditionally is waste This part of
the technology allows the fuel to continue the bum for the last few micro-seconds. Instead of
smoke you have power. Instead of waste you have efficiency across the entire fleet!
The ACES Diesel Catalyst allows the wasted base fuel to bum more of the fuel in each power
stroke producing or unlocking the efficiency that is typically lost.
This unique abilities by itself produces increased horsepower and torque out of the same fuel. So
we have less unburned fuel reducing emissions, and resulting in lower carbon deposits on the
internal engine components and a significantly reduced contamination in the engine oil.
Considering that this ability to change the length of the fuel bum will deliver more power per
stroke, an improved fuel efficiency using less fuel helps to drive vehicles or generators at a
constant speed and load farther and longer on the same fuel.
Additional Benefits From the Ignition Improver and Other Compounds
As explained earlier, the gum and varnish compounds, coupled with the anti-corrosion and antioxidants
help in creating a synthesized molecule characteristic from the base fuel - uniform in
structure. The detergents dissolve deposits and fuel irregularities due to refining and create
molecularly balanced fuel.
In addition, three different flame front enhancing compounds,
combined with a catalyst and a special flame modifier in fact effectively retard the bum speed of
the base fuel which extends the bum speed of the fuel volume. It also causes the fuel to bum in a
circular fashion from the inside out. This dramatically modifies the flame front. When you add
this feature with how we modify oxygen in the system you'll get a much better combustion much
closer to a complete usable burn. Testing in racing engines have seen changes in the color and
speed of exhaust flames coming out of the exhaust manifolds therefore verifying the specific
changes. All of this combined results in improved fuel consumption reductions, reduced
emissions, less carbon and varnish deposits, lower oil consumption and contamination.
Water Emulsion Modifiers:
Our anti-corrosion and rust inhibitors prevent moisture from damaging metal surfaces and
produces a fatty compound on all fuel system components effectively eliminating the potential
for rust. In addition, different catalysts in our product produce a synthetic lubricant that not only
drastically reduces friction, but also makes it impossible for water to attack any internal engine
parts. The ability to "excite" oxygen and other similar catalysts will "extract" from water at
combustion making use of some oxygen and hydrogen from the water itself. Though these
small amounts of water content is introduced into the combustion chamber the result will assist in
improving combustion and doesn't produce the issues that water typically when emulsified with
diesel fuel would create if not using ACES Diesel Formula.
Pour Point - Cold Filter Plugging:
Our fuel catalyst contains pour point depressants and low temperature characteristics that
improve fuel flow at very cold temperatures. It has a negative affinity or repelling characteristic
that resists fuel from turning to gel and the wax inherent in the fuel from plugging filters.
Typically regular ACES Diesel Formula will reduce the gel/pour point by about JO degrees F.
Cold filter plugging will be reduced by about 3 to 7 degrees F. This also depends on the base
fuel. Fuel suppliers are responsible to provide fuel that meets the federal standards for cold
winter use. Each month past September in the US, the October 1 deadline for winter fuel must
be met nationwide. Knowing that it continues to drop, with the worst performing fuel being in
January, we have to monitor the supply and adjust the ACES Diesel Formula to perform
accordingly. For example, ACES Diesel Formula with Pour Point Depressant contains a
stronger additive package in the ratio of 1 gallon per 2000 gallons of diesel fuel for extremely
cold temperatures. This will help reduce typical winter fuel's pour point down to -40° F and the
cold filter plugging to about -20°F. This blend would function for the majority of cold
temperature regions in the US and globally. The ACES Diesel Formula with pour point
additives can also be used at a stronger dosage of 1 to l000 gallons or even 1 to 500 if necessary
to take the pour point down to -50 or more. We work hand in hand with our customers to
provide information and training to avert any possible issues during winter use.
The Caterpillar 1-K test designed for the U.S. Military was performed by Southwest Research
Institute in San Antonio Texas to evaluate the multiple function diesel formula - ACES Diesel
Formula Military Blend . The technology was introduced in DF-2 diesel fuel at l gallon per
1000 gallon ratio. Although the main objective of the test is to determine a what diesel fuel and
oil combination's effect on ring sticking and deposit formation during high speed, it also was
able to demonstrate our technologies ability to lubricate the cylinder and components. The entire
test encompasses a 252 hour duration with heavy loads When completed, the test engine's head,
piston, and cylinder liner are removed, inspected, and photographed. The ring stickiness and
total deposits are measured including any friction wear on upper cylinder components.
At the end of the 252 hours, the ACES Diesel Formula Military Catalyst eliminated the friction
wear commonly found in the upper cylinder area. There was no scuffing on the cylinder liner or
the piston and rings. A light lubricity film was present on all upper cylinder parts and was
clearly visible. It was apparent that the lubricant was there when touched by your fingers. This
is the formed synthetic lubricant that is produced by post combustion heat.
The results showed that during the 252 hours of engine testing a significant improvement was
achieved in the condition of the cylinder liner, piston skirt and piston ring condition. The 1 K test
supported the proof of our technologies ability to perform better than 3000-ppm sulfur fuels.
Valve stems, guides, seats, faces and compression rings, as well as injector pumps and injectors,
are therefore lubricated with no fuel-related failures possible.
Also, tests performed by Penn State University paid for by the Department of Energy (DOE) and
the National Energy Technology Lab (NETL) on lubricity for coal to liquid diesel fuel (GTLFischer/
Tropsch process) conducted July 2004 to February 2005 concluded that:
1) ACES Diesel Formula appears to function as a friction reducer through formation
of a residue on the cylinder liner, thereby decreasing friction horsepower losses,
as claimed by Advanced Combustion Engineered Solutions.
2) Addition of ACES to low-sulfur diesel slightly decreased the measured
concentration ofNOx (11 %), ... and decreased particulate matter mass (33-58%
over the fifty hours).
3) The laboratory tests support a conclusion that ACES demonstrated beneficial
effect on fuel economy and emissions when blended at the recommended level
into diesel fuel.